August 30, 2024 - 12:30 CEST
Deployment of NGN/USD price oracle
Thank you for requesting a data feed via DIA CDR. We confirm the CDR specifications were requested correctly. Find the oracle information below:
### Oracle
The oracle is deployed and can be accessed [here](
You can query for assets by calling the read function getValue() with parameters such as “NGN/USD”. It will return two values:
1. The price of the asset queried with 8 decimals
2. The unix timestamp of the last update
You can see Solidity and Vyper code integration examples [here]( or use a dedicated DIA oracles integration library described in detail [here](
### Funding
Each deployed oracle contract has a separate gas wallet which is the only entity allowed to update oracle values based on selected parameters. To find out more information on how it works, visit the following [link](
Please make sure to top up the gas wallet, as we only put in some gas to deploy and start the oracle.
Gas Wallet address: [0x7f8a2583d9d9545b0dc84cc5432d37edbd2e16ef](
### Source
The source is the one specified in the request. Please note that the oracle uses the first value from the "values" array from the API endpoint.