StaFi Protocol
StaFi Protocol

StaFi Protocol

What is StaFi Protocol?

StaFi protocol is the first decentralized protocol unlocking the liquidity of Staked assets. StaFi aims to solve the contradiction between Mainnet security and token liquidity in PoS consensus. The token holders are staking through staking contracts built in StaFi protocol, and then get alternative tokens(rToken, such as rDOT, rATOM, rBNB, rSOL etc.), rTokens are tradable and it can get staking rewards from the original chain at the same time.

StaFi is a combined abbreviation of Staking+Finance. It is a decentralized protocol built with the Substrate. The contract layer is composed of multiple staking contracts, and the application layer is mainly the trading platform of rTokens.
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Chains Supported by the StaFi Protocol Liquid Staking

Liquid Staking Tokens Supported by StaFi Protocol

StaFi Protocol Token


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