Solana Testnets

Solana Testnets

ℹ️ Introduction To Solana Testnets

When working on Solana, you have several environment options available to you.
The quickest and most straightforward method to begin your journey is by using the Solana Playground. This is a web-based integrated development environment (IDE) that permits you to write, deploy, and test your programs effortlessly.
The most widely adopted approach involves local development with a locally hosted validator on your own machine. This setup enables you to thoroughly test your programs in a local environment before deploying them onto any network.
Regardless of the environment you choose, you will be operating within one of three distinct networks:
  1. Mainnet Beta: This is the "production" network where all live transactions occur. Transactions on Mainnet Beta involve real monetary costs.
  1. Testnet: Testnet is utilized for rigorous testing of recent releases, with a primary focus on network performance, stability, and validator behaviour. It is a safe space for experimentation, free from real financial implications.
  1. Devnet: Devnet serves as the principal network for development purposes. It closely mirrors the Mainnet Beta in terms of functionality, but the tokens used on Devnet are not actual assets. To facilitate your development efforts, Devnet offers a faucet that dispenses free SOL tokens for testing. The cost of development on Solana's Devnet is effectively $0, making it a cost-efficient choice for developers.
In summary, Solana offers various development environments to cater to different needs, ensuring that you can choose the most suitable option based on your project requirements and objectives.

🏗️ Available Solana Testnets