Ravencoin (RVN) API and Price Oracle

Ravencoin API Logo


For informational use only; request a custom oracle/API for production below.
General information
Contract address
Smart contract address of the asset
Blockchain network where the asset is deployed
Pricing methodology used to determine the price of the token in USD. By default, all price feeds on the DIA App are calculated with a MAIR methodology. This parameter is customisable.Learn more about methodologies.
Update frequency
120 seconds is the default update frequency. This parameter is customisable.Learn more about oracle updates.
Next update
24h Volume
The total volume captured by DIA across all the integrated sources.
Volume 24h
Trades 24h
Get a custom Ravencoin price oracle or API endpoint

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  • Autonomously deploy oracles under 3 minutes
  • Select data sources, methodology & update triggers
  • Easily fund, edit and delete oracles
  • Management and monitoring dashboard
  • Available in 3 testnet chains
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  • Autonomously deploy oracles under 3 minutes
  • Tailored oracles for any individual needs
  • Editable, updatable oracles
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  • Available in 50+ chains
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Token information

What is Ravencoin (RVN)?

Ravencoin (RVN) is a blockchain platform designed for asset transfer purposes. It facilitates the creation and issuance of unique digital assets, including tokens, in a decentralized manner. Founded in 2018 by Bruce Fenton and Tron Black, Ravencoin's name is derived from the concept of ravens being messengers in fantasy literature. It focuses on enabling users to securely transfer and tokenize real-world assets on the blockchain.

How does Ravencoin work?

Ravencoin is a blockchain-based platform that facilitates the creation and transfer of digital assets. It utilizes a modified version of the Bitcoin protocol as its underlying technology. The platform is powered by its native token, RVN, which is used to pay for transaction fees and as a medium of exchange.

Ravencoin operates on its own blockchain, which is separate from Bitcoin's blockchain. This allows for greater flexibility and customization to suit the specific needs of digital asset creation and transfer. The network relies on a proof-of-work consensus algorithm, similar to Bitcoin, where miners compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles to validate transactions and secure the network.

One of the key features of Ravencoin is its focus on asset issuance. Users can create their own unique tokens representing a wide range of assets, such as real estate, art, or even virtual goods. These tokens can be traded and transferred on the Ravencoin network securely and transparently.

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of external data, Ravencoin utilizes blockchain oracles. These oracles act as trusted sources of information by verifying and providing external data on-chain. This enables smart contracts to interact with the real world and allows for the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) on the platform.

Overall, Ravencoin is designed to provide a decentralized and efficient ecosystem for the creation, transfer, and management of digital assets. Its underlying technology, blockchain, ensures security and immutability, while the use of oracles expands its potential applications in various industries.

What are the benefits of Ravencoin?

Ravencoin is a blockchain platform that offers several benefits compared to its direct competitors. One of its main advantages is its focus on asset issuance and transfer. Ravencoin is designed specifically for creating and managing unique digital assets, making it well-suited for tokenizing real-world assets such as real estate, artwork, and intellectual property.

Compared to its direct competitors, such as Ethereum and EOS, Ravencoin offers a simpler and more streamlined asset creation process. The platform provides easy-to-use tools and templates for users to create their own tokens quickly and efficiently. This user-friendly approach makes Ravencoin attractive to individuals and businesses looking to tokenize their assets without extensive technical knowledge.

Another benefit of Ravencoin is its emphasis on security and decentralization. The platform utilizes a consensus algorithm called X16R, which aims to prevent centralization of mining power and improve network security. Furthermore, Ravencoin's decentralized nature ensures that asset ownership and transfers are recorded on a public blockchain, providing transparency and immutability.

Additionally, Ravencoin has a strong and active community that actively contributes to the development and advancement of the platform. This vibrant community fosters innovation and provides support for users seeking to leverage the benefits of Ravencoin.

In conclusion, Ravencoin offers distinct advantages compared to its direct competitors. Its focus on asset issuance and transfer, user-friendly interface, emphasis on security and decentralization, and strong community support make it a compelling blockchain platform for individuals and businesses interested in asset tokenization.

What is Ravencoin used for?

Ravencoin is a blockchain platform that was specifically designed to facilitate the creation and transfer of assets. This means that it allows users to create and manage their own digital assets on the blockchain.

There are several common use cases for Ravencoin. One of the most prevalent is the tokenization of real-world assets. This involves representing physical assets, such as real estate or fine art, as digital tokens on the Ravencoin blockchain. This enables easier transfer of ownership, fractional ownership, and increased liquidity for these assets.

Another important use case for Ravencoin is the creation of unique digital assets like collectibles or non-fungible tokens (NFTs). NFTs have gained significant popularity in recent years, allowing creators to issue and sell digital art, music, and other unique digital assets on the blockchain.

One specific case in which Ravencoin has been utilized is in the gaming industry. By leveraging the platform's asset creation capabilities, developers can create in-game assets that have real-world value. Players can not only buy and sell these assets within the game but also trade them on external marketplaces, creating new economic systems within virtual worlds.

In summary, Ravencoin is primarily used for creating and transferring assets on the blockchain. Common use cases include tokenization of real-world assets and the creation of unique digital assets like NFTs. In the gaming industry, Ravencoin has shown potential for creating virtual economies and enabling the trading of in-game assets with real-world value.

What is DIA's Ravencoin API?

DIA's Ravencoin API is one of the many API endpoints offered by DIA. These API endpoints provide real-time price feeds of various crypto assets, including Ravencoin. DIA constructs its price feeds by sourcing raw data from over 85 on-chain and off-chain cryptocurrency and NFT exchanges, resulting in comprehensive and reliable information.

While DIA does provide free API endpoints for developers to test, it also offers fully customizable custom feeds. The free API endpoints can be accessed on the asset's detail page in the DIA App, and they follow a standardized format. These endpoints are mainly intended for informational purposes and testing.

However, the custom feeds offered by DIA are where the real value lies. These feeds can be tailored according to the specific needs of users. They can be customized in terms of sources, methodologies, update mechanisms, and more. To request a custom feed, users can reach out to DIA via Discord or Telegram.

DIA's API has various use cases within the blockchain ecosystem. It can be used in derivatives, options, and futures markets, lending and borrowing markets, collateralized stablecoin issuance, synthetic asset issuance, money markets, and more within the DeFi space. Additionally, it can enable peer-to-pool NFT lending and borrowing, on-chain NFT derivatives, NFT renting, NFT fractionalization, and other applications within the NFTfi sector.

Overall, while DIA's free API endpoints serve informational and testing purposes, the custom feeds offer far more flexibility and customization options, making them highly beneficial for users looking for precise and tailored data. DIA's API is a crucial tool for developers and participants across the blockchain ecosystem in need of reliable and up-to-date price information.

What is DIA's Ravencoin price oracle?

DIA's Ravencoin price oracle is a smart contract that provides real-time price feeds of various crypto assets. DIA possesses the capability to integrate with more than 35 layer 1 and layer 2 networks, allowing for the deployment of price oracles in multiple blockchains. These oracles are constructed by sourcing raw data from over 85 on-chain and off-chain cryptocurrency and NFT exchanges, considering billions of individual trades. DIA's price feeds offer a unique advantage compared to other web3 data providers.

While DIA provides demo oracles free of charge for developers to test, these are exclusively intended for testing purposes and cannot be utilized in production applications. However, DIA offers the option for users to request a custom configuration for a dedicated price feed oracle. This customization enables users to tailor their price oracle data feeds according to their specific requirements. To request a custom feed, users can reach out to DIA via Discord or Telegram.

DIA's price oracles have a range of use cases within the blockchain ecosystem. They can be employed in DeFi applications such as derivatives, options and futures, lending and borrowing markets, collateralized stablecoins, synthetic asset issuance, money markets, and more. Additionally, in the realm of NFTfi, DIA's oracles find application in peer-to-pool NFT lending and borrowing, on-chain NFT derivatives, NFT renting, NFT fractionalization, and other related use cases.

In the context of blockchain technology, an oracle refers to an external information provider that supplies verified data from outside the blockchain to smart contracts. Oracles play a crucial role by bridging the gap between the transparent and decentralized nature of blockchain and the external world, providing reliable and accurate data to support the functionality of smart contracts.

Why use DIA's RVN API & price oracle?

DIA's RVN API and RVN Price Oracle offer several benefits for users in the blockchain ecosystem. One of the key advantages is the high level of customization available. Users can tailor each oracle and API endpoint to meet the specific needs of their decentralized applications. This includes configuring the data sources, applying data cleaning filters, selecting pricing methodologies, and determining the update mechanisms and frequency. This level of customization ensures that the data and oracle remain robust and resilient in different market conditions, providing both global and specific market prices.

Transparency is another major benefit of using DIA's API and Oracle feeds. DIA offers full and granular transparency throughout the entire data journey, giving users confidence in the accuracy and reliability of the price data for cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Additionally, DIA provides tracking and monitoring tools to closely monitor the oracle and API feeds, further enhancing transparency and trust in the system.

Overall, DIA's RVN API and RVN Price Oracle empower users with accurate and reliable price data, while offering them the flexibility to customize the solution according to their specific requirements. This combination of flexibility and transparency makes DIA a valuable resource for those looking to leverage blockchain technology and access reliable data for their decentralized applications.

Why use DIA data feeds and oracles?

DIA provides full insight on the oracle’s data journey as well monitoring tools to track feeds in real-time.
Oracles can be tailored to any use case in terms of data sources, methodologies and update mechanisms and much more.
Broadest coverage
DIA provides price oracles for 3,000+ cryptocurrencies: from blue-chip tokens to long-tail assets.