Harmony (ONE) API and Price Oracle

Harmony API Logo


For informational use only; request a custom oracle/API for production below.
General information
Contract address
Smart contract address of the asset
Blockchain network where the asset is deployed
Pricing methodology used to determine the price of the token in USD. By default, all price feeds on the DIA App are calculated with a MAIR methodology. This parameter is customisable.Learn more about methodologies.
Update frequency
120 seconds is the default update frequency. This parameter is customisable.Learn more about oracle updates.
Next update
24h Volume
The total volume captured by DIA across all the integrated sources.
Volume 24h
Trades 24h
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  • Autonomously deploy oracles under 3 minutes
  • Select data sources, methodology & update triggers
  • Easily fund, edit and delete oracles
  • Management and monitoring dashboard
  • Available in 3 testnet chains
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  • Autonomously deploy oracles under 3 minutes
  • Tailored oracles for any individual needs
  • Editable, updatable oracles
  • Real-time gas balance notifications
  • Available in 50+ chains
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Token information

What is Harmony (ONE)?

Harmony (ONE) is a blockchain platform designed to support decentralized applications (dApps) and facilitate the transfer of digital assets. Founded by Stephen Tse in 2017, Harmony aims to provide high speed, low cost, and secure transactions on a global scale. The project was developed by Harmony Protocol, a company focused on addressing scalability issues in blockchain technology. "Harmony" reflects the project's goal of creating a harmonious ecosystem where various stakeholders can collaborate seamlessly.

How does Harmony work?

Harmony is a blockchain platform that aims to address scalability and security challenges faced by existing blockchains. It employs a unique technology called "sharding" to achieve high throughput and lower transaction fees.

Underlying Technology: Harmony utilizes the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) as its execution engine, allowing developers to build smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) using familiar programming languages.

Blockchain: Harmony operates on its own blockchain, which is a fully decentralized network consisting of multiple shards. Sharding involves dividing the network into smaller pieces called shards, each capable of processing transactions and smart contracts independently.

Functioning: Harmony employs a consensus algorithm called "Effective Proof of Stake" (EPoS) to secure the network. EPoS enables validators to create and validate blocks efficiently, ensuring security and preventing malicious activities.

Harmony's network architecture facilitates parallel transaction processing, resulting in high scalability. It can handle thousands of transactions per second, making it suitable for applications with large user bases.

To ensure consensus and data integrity across shards, Harmony employs a "beacon chain" that connects and coordinates the shards. It enables cross-shard transactions and facilitates transparent communication between shards.

Additionally, Harmony ensures interoperability with other blockchains through its "bridges" feature. This allows seamless transfer of assets and data between Harmony and other blockchain networks.

In conclusion, Harmony's unique sharding technology, utilization of the Ethereum Virtual Machine, and EPoS consensus algorithm help create a scalable and secure blockchain platform for building decentralized applications.

What are the benefits of Harmony?

Harmony is a blockchain platform that aims to address scalability issues and provide a secure and efficient environment for decentralized applications (dApps). Compared to its direct competitors, Harmony offers several notable benefits.

Firstly, Harmony utilizes a sharding technology called Effective Proof-of-Stake (EPoS), which allows for horizontal scaling and high throughput. This means that the network can handle a large number of transactions per second, enabling faster and more efficient processing compared to its competitors.

Another key benefit of Harmony is its low transaction fees. By leveraging sharding, Harmony ensures that the cost of executing transactions remains affordable, making it an attractive option for developers and users alike.

Additionally, Harmony focuses on cross-chain compatibility and interoperability. It aims to integrate multiple blockchain networks, allowing for seamless transfer of assets and data between different chains. This feature sets Harmony apart from its competitors as it promotes a more interconnected and collaborative blockchain ecosystem.

Furthermore, Harmony places a strong emphasis on security. It utilizes a robust consensus mechanism that ensures the integrity and immutability of the blockchain. This, coupled with the incorporation of secure decentralized identity solutions, enhances user privacy and protects against unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Overall, Harmony's benefits lie in its scalability, low transaction fees, cross-chain compatibility, and focus on security. These distinguishing features position Harmony as a competitive player in the blockchain space, offering a promising platform for the development and deployment of decentralized applications.

What is Harmony used for?

Harmony is a blockchain platform that aims to address some of the major issues faced by existing blockchains, such as scalability, high fees, and slow transaction speeds. It is designed to provide a high-performance infrastructure for decentralized applications (dApps) and enable a seamless user experience.

Harmony can be used for various purposes, including but not limited to:

1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Harmony's fast and scalable architecture makes it suitable for hosting DeFi applications. By leveraging Harmony's network, users can access decentralized lending and borrowing protocols, decentralized exchanges, stablecoins, and other financial services in a secure and efficient manner.

2. Gaming: With its capability to process a large number of transactions per second, Harmony provides an ideal platform for blockchain-based games. Developers can create and deploy gaming dApps on top of Harmony, facilitating a transparent and trustless gaming environment.

3. Supply Chain Management: Harmony's ability to handle large-scale transactions and improve data integrity makes it suitable for supply chain management applications. It can provide transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain process, reducing the risk of fraud and ensuring the authenticity of products.

One specific case where Harmony is being utilized is in cross-border payments. By integrating with existing financial systems and leveraging its fast and low-cost transactions, Harmony enables efficient and secure cross-border transactions for individuals and businesses. This can potentially reduce the reliance on traditional intermediaries and lower transaction costs, making it an attractive solution for international remittances and global commerce.

In summary, Harmony offers a scalable and high-performance blockchain platform that can be used for various purposes, including DeFi, gaming, and supply chain management. Its ability to handle large-scale transactions and provide fast, low-cost transactions makes it particularly suitable for use cases like cross-border payments.

What is DIA's Harmony API?

DIA's Harmony API is a powerful tool offered by DIA that allows developers to access real-time price feeds for various crypto assets. These price feeds are constructed using raw data from over 85 on-chain and off-chain exchanges, providing a comprehensive and accurate representation of market prices.

While DIA does offer free API endpoints for developers to test, the true value lies in their custom feeds. These custom feeds can be tailored to the specific needs of users, offering flexibility in terms of sources, methodologies, and update mechanisms. To request a custom feed, users can reach out to DIA via Discord or Telegram.

The use cases for DIA's API are extensive and span across the blockchain ecosystem. In the DeFi space, the price information from DIA's APIs can be utilized for derivatives, options and futures, lending and borrowing markets, collateralized stablecoins, synthetic asset issuance, money markets, and more. In the NFTfi realm, applications include peer-to-pool NFT lending and borrowing, on-chain NFT derivatives, NFT renting, NFT fractionalization, and beyond.

DIA's Harmony API plays a crucial role in enabling developers and businesses to access reliable and accurate price data, facilitating the creation of innovative blockchain-based applications. The availability of custom feeds further enhances the adaptability and utility of DIA's API, catering to the specific requirements of different use cases. With DIA's API, users have the tools they need to leverage real-time price feeds for a wide range of applications within the blockchain ecosystem.

What is DIA's Harmony price oracle?

DIA's Harmony price oracle is a smart contract that provides real-time price feeds for cryptocurrencies. It is part of DIA's extensive range of price oracles that are integrated with over 35 layer 1 and layer 2 networks. What sets DIA apart is its ability to construct price feeds using raw data from more than 85 on-chain and off-chain exchanges, resulting in comprehensive and reliable information.

While DIA offers demo oracles for developers to test, these are strictly for experimentation and cannot be used in production applications. However, DIA also provides the option for users to request custom configurations for their price data feeds. These custom oracles can be tailored to specific requirements such as sources, methodologies, and update mechanisms. To request a custom feed, users can reach out to DIA via Discord or Telegram.

DIA's custom oracles offer flexibility and adaptability, making them particularly valuable for users with specific needs. They can be utilized in various ways across the blockchain ecosystem, including in DeFi applications such as derivatives, lending markets, collateralized stablecoins, and synthetic asset issuance. Furthermore, they can also be applied in NFTfi applications, such as peer-to-pool NFT lending, on-chain NFT derivatives, NFT renting, and NFT fractionalization.

In the context of blockchain technology, an oracle refers to an external information provider that supplies verified data from outside the blockchain to smart contracts. Oracles play a crucial role in enabling smart contracts to interact with real-world data, making them a vital component of decentralized applications and systems. DIA's Harmony price oracle serves as a reliable and secure source of price feeds for users seeking accurate and up-to-date cryptocurrency data.

For more details on DIA's oracles, including the demo oracles and documentation, visit DIA's website at: https://docs.diadata.org/.

Why use DIA's ONE API & price oracle?

DIA's ONE API and ONE Price Oracle offer a range of benefits for users in the blockchain ecosystem. By leveraging DIA's technology, users can access accurate and reliable price data for cryptocurrencies and NFTs. The main advantage of using DIA's API or Price Oracle for the chosen token is the high level of customization available. Each oracle and API endpoint can be tailored to suit the specific needs of decentralized applications. Users can configure settings such as data sources, data cleaning filters, pricing methodologies, and update mechanisms to ensure robustness and resilience to market conditions.

This customization ensures that the data and oracle remain robust and provide a tailored solution for every user. Furthermore, DIA's API and oracles provide a high level of transparency throughout the entire data journey. Users can gain full and granular visibility into the data sources and methodologies used to calculate price points. DIA also offers tracking and monitoring tools to closely track the oracle and API feeds, ensuring transparency and accountability.

In conclusion, DIA's ONE API and ONE Price Oracle offer accurate price data, customization options, and transparency, making them valuable tools for users seeking reliable information and tailored solutions in the blockchain ecosystem.

Why use DIA data feeds and oracles?

DIA provides full insight on the oracle’s data journey as well monitoring tools to track feeds in real-time.
Oracles can be tailored to any use case in terms of data sources, methodologies and update mechanisms and much more.
Broadest coverage
DIA provides price oracles for 3,000+ cryptocurrencies: from blue-chip tokens to long-tail assets.