Dash (DASH) API and Price Oracle

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For informational use only; request a custom oracle/API for production below.
General information
Contract address
Smart contract address of the asset
Blockchain network where the asset is deployed
Pricing methodology used to determine the price of the token in USD. By default, all price feeds on the DIA App are calculated with a MAIR methodology. This parameter is customisable.Learn more about methodologies.
Update frequency
120 seconds is the default update frequency. This parameter is customisable.Learn more about oracle updates.
Next update
24h Volume
The total volume captured by DIA across all the integrated sources.
Volume 24h
Trades 24h
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  • Select data sources, methodology & update triggers
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  • Management and monitoring dashboard
  • Available in 3 testnet chains
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  • Tailored oracles for any individual needs
  • Editable, updatable oracles
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  • Available in 50+ chains
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Token information

What is Dash (DASH)?

Dash (DASH) is a privacy-focused digital currency that aims to provide fast and secure transactions. It was founded in 2014 by Evan Duffield and was originally called Darkcoin due to its privacy features. The currency was later rebranded as Dash, which stands for "Digital Cash." Dash operates on a decentralized blockchain network and uses a two-tier system to validate transactions. It has gained popularity for its focus on privacy and user control.

How does Dash work?

Dash is a decentralized cryptocurrency that operates on its own blockchain network. It utilizes a unique mechanism known as a two-tier network to facilitate its operations.

At its core, Dash is built on the same technology as Bitcoin, known as blockchain. This distributed ledger technology ensures transparency, security, and immutability of transactions. However, Dash differentiates itself by implementing a two-tier network.

The first tier consists of miners who validate transactions and secure the network. These miners use a proof-of-work algorithm, similar to Bitcoin, to solve complex mathematical puzzles, ensuring the integrity of the transactions.

The second tier is comprised of masternodes. These masternodes perform additional functions such as instant transactions, private transactions, and decentralized governance. Masternode owners must hold a certain amount of Dash as collateral, which provides an added layer of security and incentivizes them to act in the network's best interest.

The functioning of Dash involves a consensus mechanism called proof-of-stake. This means that in addition to miners, masternodes also have a say in the validation of transactions. This allows for faster transaction speeds and lower fees compared to traditional blockchain networks.

Dash aims to be a user-friendly cryptocurrency, focusing on privacy, speed, and accessibility. Its features, such as instant transactions and decentralized governance, aim to address some of the limitations of other cryptocurrencies. By combining elements of both Bitcoin and additional functionalities, Dash offers a unique approach to digital transactions.

What are the benefits of Dash?

Dash is a decentralized digital currency that offers several benefits compared to its direct competitors. One of the key advantages of Dash is its focus on privacy and anonymity. While other digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have transparent transaction histories, Dash uses a technology called PrivateSend to obfuscate the source and destination of transactions, ensuring privacy for its users.

Another notable benefit of Dash is its fast transaction speed. Dash introduced a feature called InstantSend, which enables users to send and confirm transactions almost instantly. This is in contrast to Bitcoin, where transaction confirmations can take several minutes or even hours. The ability to conduct quick transactions makes Dash more suitable for everyday purchases and enhances its usability as a digital currency.

Additionally, Dash has implemented a decentralized governance system called Dash DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). Through the DAO, Dash holders have the ability to propose and vote on network improvements and funding projects. This collaborative decision-making process sets Dash apart from its competitors and allows for greater community involvement and control over the future direction of the project.

Compared to its direct competitors like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, Dash's privacy features, fast transaction speed, and decentralized governance system give it a unique edge. However, it's important to note that the choice of digital currency ultimately depends on individual preferences and specific use cases.

What is Dash used for?

Dash is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency that is primarily used as a means of exchange, similar to traditional currencies. It operates on a decentralized network called the Dash network, which enables secure and fast transactions.

One common use case for Dash is for everyday transactions. Users can use Dash to make purchases at participating merchants or to send money to other individuals. With its fast transaction confirmation times and low fees, Dash offers a convenient alternative to traditional payment methods.

Another common use case for Dash is remittances. Dash allows for quick and secure cross-border money transfers at a fraction of the cost of traditional remittance services. This is particularly helpful for individuals who need to send money to family or friends in different countries, as it offers a more affordable and efficient solution.

One specific use case where Dash has gained popularity is in countries with unstable economies or limited access to traditional banking services. In these regions, Dash provides a decentralized and censorship-resistant payment solution. Users can store their wealth in Dash, avoiding the risk of hyperinflation or government interference. Additionally, Dash provides financial inclusion to the unbanked population, who can now participate in global commerce and have access to financial services.

Overall, Dash's versatility as a digital currency makes it suitable for various use cases, such as everyday transactions, remittances, and offering financial services to underserved populations.

What is DIA's Dash API?

DIA's Dash API is one of the API endpoints provided by DIA to offer real-time price feeds for cryptocurrencies and NFTs. These price feeds are constructed using raw data from over 85 on-chain and off-chain exchanges, allowing DIA to deliver comprehensive and accurate information that sets them apart from other web3 data providers.

While DIA does offer free API endpoints for developers to test, they also provide fully customizable and tailored feeds to meet specific user requirements. These custom feeds can be personalized in terms of sources, methodologies, update mechanisms, and more. Users can request custom feeds by reaching out to DIA via Discord or Telegram.

It's important to highlight the significance of DIA's custom feeds, as they offer more benefits and utility compared to the free feeds. The custom feeds allow users to have more control over the data they receive, enabling them to build applications and services with greater accuracy and precision.

DIA's API has numerous use cases within the blockchain ecosystem. In DeFi, the price information from DIA's APIs can be utilized in derivatives, options and futures markets, lending and borrowing platforms, collateralized stablecoins, synthetic asset issuance, money markets, and more. For NFTfi applications, DIA's API can support peer-to-pool NFT lending and borrowing, on-chain NFT derivatives, NFT renting, NFT fractionalization, and other innovative use cases.

In summary, DIA's Dash API provides real-time price feeds for cryptocurrencies and NFTs, with both free and customizable options available. The custom feeds offer enhanced flexibility and customization for users, enabling them to make better use of the data in their applications and services within the blockchain ecosystem.

What is DIA's Dash price oracle?

DIA's Dash price oracle is a smart contract that provides real-time price feeds of Dash cryptocurrency. DIA is a versatile platform that offers price oracles for various crypto assets, and it is integrated with over 35 layer 1 and layer 2 networks. This means that DIA can deploy price oracles on multiple blockchains, providing users with a wide range of options.

DIA's price feeds are constructed by aggregating data from over 85 on-chain and off-chain exchanges, ensuring accuracy and reliability. What sets DIA apart is its ability to deliver customized price oracle data feeds. While DIA provides free demo oracles for developers to test, these are only for testing purposes and cannot be integrated into production applications. However, users can request custom configuration for their specific needs, including sources, methodologies, and update mechanisms.

To request a custom feed, users can get in touch with DIA through Discord or Telegram. This emphasis on custom oracles highlights DIA's commitment to providing tailored solutions for users, allowing them to have more control and flexibility over their price data.

Blockchain oracles, in general, are external information providers that supply verified data to smart contracts. They play a crucial role in bridging the gap between the blockchain and external data sources, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of data used in decentralized applications.

Overall, DIA's price oracles offer a valuable resource for various use cases within the blockchain ecosystem, including DeFi applications like derivatives, lending markets, stablecoin collateralization, and NFT applications such as NFT lending, derivatives, renting, and fractionalization. With DIA's customizable options, users can leverage the power of reliable price feeds tailored to their specific requirements.

Why use DIA's DASH API & price oracle?

DIA's DASH API and DASH Price Oracle offer a range of benefits for users in the blockchain ecosystem. One of the main advantages is the high level of customization available. Users can tailor each oracle and API endpoint to suit the specific needs of their decentralized applications. This customization includes configuring the data sources that make up the feed, applying data cleaning filters and pricing methodologies, and determining the frequency of updates.

By leveraging DIA's technology, users gain access to accurate and reliable price data for cryptocurrencies and NFTs. This ensures the resilience and robustness of the data and oracle, even in unique market conditions. The API and Oracle feeds provide a global market as well as specific individual or cross-chain market prices, offering users a tailored solution.

In addition, DIA's API and oracles provide full transparency throughout the entire data journey. Users have visibility into the sources of the data, the filters and methodologies applied, and the updates made to the feed. This transparency builds trust and confidence in the integrity of the data.

Furthermore, DIA offers various tracking and monitoring tools to closely monitor the API and Oracle feeds. This ensures that users stay informed about any changes or updates in real-time.

Overall, using DIA's DASH API and DASH Price Oracle allows users to access reliable and customizable price data while benefiting from transparency and monitoring tools. This empowers users in the blockchain ecosystem to make informed decisions and build decentralized applications that are robust and resilient.

Why use DIA data feeds and oracles?

DIA provides full insight on the oracle’s data journey as well monitoring tools to track feeds in real-time.
Oracles can be tailored to any use case in terms of data sources, methodologies and update mechanisms and much more.
Broadest coverage
DIA provides price oracles for 3,000+ cryptocurrencies: from blue-chip tokens to long-tail assets.